In My AmigurumisGotta catch ’em all, Pokemon Amigurumi Edition!Well it’s been awhile since I’ve updated – a horrible habit that I must try and fix. I’ve done so many things that I…Continue Reading →
In Events/ My AmigurumisBlack Friday to Cyber Monday 2010 Sale!Introducing our huge Holiday Sale is Mr. Adipose! Thank you very much! It’s a big sale going on in the shop of Ami Amour…Continue Reading →
In My AmigurumisPatrick Star Mini PlushThis Patrick Star can boast of being one of the smallest amigurumi I’ve made thus far. He’s 3.5 inches tall and created from fingering…Continue Reading →
In My AmigurumisKratos Sackboy DollI’m excited to show you a Kratos Sackboy doll that I’ve created. I’ve been wanting to make him but could never find the time,…Continue Reading →
In My AmigurumisCraft My Pet SwapI love doing craft swaps! Usually I’ll sign up on them through Craftster. So this was actually my second craft swap. I’ll have to…Continue Reading →
In My AmigurumisPiranha Plant Showdown!It’s the first ever Piranha Plant Showdown! I crocheted myself 2 different amigurumi versions of the Piranha Plant as I was playing around with…Continue Reading →
In My AmigurumisHobbes – Your imaginary friendGrowing up, I loved reading the Sunday funny comic strips. I loved reading them all, but the one that I held and still hold…Continue Reading →
In My Amigurumis175 AmigurumisWell Anime Expo has come and gone. It was a terrific year and I was very hectic with all the preparations leading up to…Continue Reading →
In My AmigurumisSackboy with Zipper PouchSo I’ve seen a lot of crocheted Sackboys out there and I knew that when I made Sackboy I wanted to add something a…Continue Reading →
In My AmigurumisVariations on a Gromit AmigurumiI went through 3 different incarnations of Gromit before I arrived at the shape that I was satisfied at. I love making amigurumis, and…Continue Reading →
In My AmigurumisKawaii Kitty Amigurumi <3This is a pattern that’s really near and dear to me because it was my first original pattern that I came up with. I…Continue Reading →
In My AmigurumisAMI SHORTS – The Sexupi who discovered Coral ReefNow it’s time for Ami Shorts: Once upon a deep blue ocean, there lived a Sexupus. Sexupi are creatures that are similar to Octupi,…Continue Reading →
In My AmigurumisTreeeI created the 3-D ami version of Sphinkter for Gabo over in Wired Studios. Sphinkter is a character in an animated short called Treee…Continue Reading →